Jaguar F-Type in oglas za Jaguar – snemano v Ljubljani

Oglas za Jaguar, v katerem ima glavno vlogo Jaguar F-Type, je posnet v Ljubljani. Ljubljana postaja meka za snemanje oglasov za avtomobilske znamke. Včeraj sem pisal o snemanju oglasa za Hondo Civic Type R, ki je potekalo v Ljubljani, danes pa bom pisal o snemanju oglasa za Jaguar , ki je prav tako potekalo v Ljubljani. V oglasu so posnetki jaguarja iz živalskega vrta v Oxfordshiru in posnetki vožnje Jaguarja F-Type po ulicah Ljubljane. Oglas je homage serviserjem in proizvajalcem originalne Jaguar opreme.

Najprej so ustvarjalci filma prikazali THE MAKING OF ‘ALIVE’, kjer so zapisali:
Jaguar’s founder William Lyons once said that the car is the “closest we’ve come to making something that feels alive”. This is where we took the inspiration for “Alive”, a new service video which shows the dedication and respect that goes into looking after a Jaguar, as well as the excitement of owning one. The piece features a live wild cat, filmed in a private zoo in Oxfordshire, combined with shots of the Jaguar F-TYPE shot on location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Before the full film makes its debut in the coming weeks, you can watch this making of video that shows the work that went into crafting the finished piece.

Sedaj pa je objavljena še končna verzija oglasa ALIVE:
Jaguar’s founder William Lyons once said that the car is the “closest we’ve come to making something that feels alive”. This ethos has always been at the heart of the cars that Jaguar create, and it’s something we pride ourselves on.
This was the inspiration for “Alive”, a film which explores the experience of owning a Jaguar, the excitement of being behind the wheel and the connection to Lyons’s proud heritage. It pays homage to the Master Service Technicians who repair and preserve Jaguars, whether they’re brand new, classic or vintage. They use detailed diagnostics, specialist tools and only Jaguar Genuine Parts to keep your Jaguar on the road for years to come.

Očitno tuje oči opazijo veliko več lepega v Ljubljani, kot pa opazimo to sami Slovenci. In če vozniki vedno znova pizdimo nad cestami in prometom, očitno to za ustvarjalce oglasov sploh ni noben problem. Priznam, tako posnetek za Civic Type R in za Jaguar F-Type sta mi vrhunska – in če ne bi vedel, da se je to snemalo v Ljubljani, bi bil resnično presenečen, ko bi videl ta dva oglasa in v njem prepoznal Ljubljano.

Jaguar F-Type in oglas za Jaguar – snemano v Ljubljani