Donald Trump je znova dokazal, da so Američani pred vsemi. Tokrat je v govoru pred Lincoln Memorialom ob praznovanju dneva neodvisnosti dejal, da so njihovi vojaki med osamosvojitveno vojno leta 1775 zavzeli letališča. Da, prav ste prebrali. Američani so očitno že leta 1775 leteli naokoli z letali in pristajali na letališčih.
- Google Image Search / vpišeš Idiot v “search” in dobiš fotografije Donalda Trumpa
- Ko se Donaldu Trumpu na novinarski odpelje in se Sarah Huckabee Sanders laže na tviterju
- Evropa se norčuje iz Donalda Trumpa / America first / kje je Slovenija?
Vsi ostali se zavedamo, da je bil prvi uspešen polet bratov Wright leta 1903. Ampak ne bomo malenkostni, kajne? Tudi sicer je bil njegov govor vse prej kot ok – v njem je povedal še cel kup drugih nebuloz na katere so opozorili mediji.
President Trump: “The Continental Army suffered a bitter winner at Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our Army manned the air, it ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.”
President Trump: “The Continental Army suffered a bitter winner at Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our Army manned the air, it ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.”
— The Hill (@thehill) 5 July 2019
Donald Trump has just claimed that the revolutionary forces took over airports from the British in 1775!!!! Not quite as mad as Ann Widdecombe claiming the UK are enslaved by EU oppression but certainly in the same ballpark.
— Brexitshambles (@brexit_sham) 5 July 2019
Seveda so se tej izjavi primerno odzvali tudi uporabniki družbenih omrežij, ki so precej kreativno poskrbeli za opremo njegove izjave.
Dearest Martha,
Please ensure to pack our socks. We shant ride in the flying carriage whilst having our feet exposed.
George#RevolutionaryWarAirportStories— ᑕᕼᑌᑎK (@chunkled) 5 July 2019
National Archives discover new pictures of the War of Independence. #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories
— Acdcnut (@Acdckcnut) 5 July 2019
Actual footage of the U.S. Army storming the airports during the War of 1812:
— Derek Litvak (@TheTattooedGrad) 5 July 2019