2014 Year in review – Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter

Kako veš, da se na spletu bliža konec leta? Največji igralci na trgu predstavijo “Year in Review” in uporabnikom sporočijo zanimive podatke, ki so jih zbirali skozi leta. Ponavadi vsi najbolj čakamo Google Zeitgeist, vendar ga letos še vedno ni, so pa podjetja kot so Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube in ostala že objavila podatke, tako da bom očitno o Googlu pisal še drugič.

Kaj se je torej zanimivega dogajalo v letu 2014 in zaznamovalo naše leto na:

Facebook 2014 Year in Review

  • The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil drove more conversation than any other event in Facebook history.
  • Since March, the most widespread Ebola outbreak in history has claimed the lives of thousands of people.
  • This year’s presidential election in Brazil was one of the most discussed and hotly debated in the country’s history.
  • In August, actor and entertainer Robin Williams passed away.
  • Between June and September, people around the world shared more than 17 million Ice Bucket Challenge videos on Facebook to raise awareness for ALS, a neurodegenerative disease.

YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014

Najbolj trendovski videi leta 2014 (Slovenija) Play – Prevrti nazaj na videe, ljudi in dogodke, ki so zaznamovali YouTube v letu 2014.

Šli smo skozi oglede, všečke, deljenja, iskanja, parodije, remikse in odzive ter izbrali 10 videov, o katerih so leta 2014 govorili vsi.

#YearInReview2014 – Twitter

Največkrat retvitan tvit je seveda selfie Ellen DeGeneres, ostali podatki pa na https://2014.twitter.com/

World Cup: The biggest sports story in 2014, especially on Twitter. Fans, players, teams and media sent over 672 million Tweets during the month-long tournament. At its peak, there were 618,725 Tweets sent per minute — the largest peak we measured this year — when Germany (@DFB_Team) took home the championship.

Tumblr 2014 Year in Review

Most Reblogged Solo Artists

Big in 2014 – Part 2 –  In no particular order.

Most Reblogged Bands

Most Reblogged Reality Stars

Most Reblogged Models

Most Reblogged Songs

2014 in review – Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter
2014 in review – Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter