05/01/2016Quentin Tarantino / The Hateful Eight Quentin Tarantino je eden izmed mojih najljubših režiserjev. The Hateful Eight pa je film, ki sem ga čakal…
02/08/2014Misel dneva – Quentin Tarantino Movies are my religion and God is my patron. I’m lucky enough to be in the position where…
14/01/2013Quentin Tarantino – Django Unchained – Official Trailer Sem eden izmed množice ljubiteljev “izdelkov”, pod katere se podpiše Quentin Tarantino. Filme, kot so Reservoir Dogs, Pulp…
04/01/2013Twenty Years of Quentin Tarantino’s Pop-Culture References in Five Minutes Quentin Tarantino je eden mojih najljubših režiserjev. Njegovi monologi in dialogi so legendarni – kdo se ne spomni…
26/08/2009Misel dneva – Quentin Tarantino “This CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema. If I’d wanted all that computer game bullshit, I’d…
14/10/2007Quentin Tarantino dvakrat: Death Proof in Hostel II Quentin Tarantino je moj omiljeni režiser, scenarist, producent.. Njegovi filmi Death Proof, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill: Vol. 1…
26/12/2006Misel dneva – Quentin Tarantino “I actually think one of my strengths is my storytelling.” Quentin Tarantino
17/04/2006Firewall, Hostel Koncno sem si vzel cas in pogledal ta dva filma. Firewall, zanimiv film, z rahlo oguljeno tematiko, vendar…