Maraaya - Here for you / Eurosong - Raay in Marjetka Vovk Maraaya - Here for you / Eurosong - Raay in Marjetka Vovk

Maraaya – Here for you / Eurosong – Raay in Marjetka Vovk

Na Eurosongu 2015 nas bo predstavljal duet Maraaya s pesmijo Here for you, ki ga sestavljata Raay in Marjetka Vovk! Ja, včeraj je potekal izbor za pesem, ki nas bo zastopala na Dunaju, na tekmovanju za Eurosong. In dobili smo zmagovalca – Raayu je zopet uspelo in nas bo s svojo boljšo polovico zastopal na tekmovanju.

Glede na to, da je bila konkurenca precej “čudna”, ta zmaga niti ni tako presenetljiva. Zmešaš par komadov (, ki so aktualni in ki gredo v uho in dobiš novo pesem. Pevki na ušesa dodaš slušalke in gledalci dobimo občutek, da imamo na odru “vesoljca”, ali kakšno drugo bitjece iz kakšne risanke. Na koncu pobereš 7311 od skupaj 12760 glasov in se veseliš svoje udeležbe na tekmovanju Eurosong!

When you are down, down, low
and there is no place you can go.
When you are down, down, low
you know that I am here for you-uu.

You came into my life when i was broken,
you heated up my heart when it was frozen
and we got the flow now it’s up we glow.

And now that it’s your turn you wanna hide it,
A million times already you denied it
You don’t have to fear you don’t have to fight

When you are down, down, low
seeking in the undertow
When you are down, down, low
you know that I am here for you-uu.

Cause I know, know baby
all the hurt you never show
When you are down, down, low
you gotta let me heal your aching soul.

You came into my life when i was broken,
you heated up my heart when it was frozen
and we got the flow now it’s up we go.

Cause you released my pain
now let me take it
Just leave it at the door
and we can make it
you don’t have to hide I am by your side

Everybody else sees in black and white
you look at wrong and make it right
can’t I open, your eyes

When you are down, down, low
seeking in the undertow
When you are down, down, low
you know that I am here for you-uu.

Cause I know, know baby
all the hurt you never show
When you are down, down, low
you gotta let me heal your aching soul.

Cause I know, know baby
all the hurt you never show
When you are down, down, low
you gotta let me heal your aching soul.

When you are down, down, low
seeking in the undertow
When you are down, down, low
you know that I am here for you-uu.

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Maraaya - Here for you / Eurosong - Raay in Marjetka Vovk
Maraaya – Here for you / Eurosong – Raay in Marjetka Vovk

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