Heineken / The Chase / Daniel Craig aka James Bond

Wieden & Kennedy in Heineken. Zmagovalna kombinacija. Tokrat je v glavni vlogi Daniel Craig aka James Bond. Oglas za Heineken se imenuje The Chase in je v bistvu uvertura v nov film Jamesa Bonda / The Spectre, ki bo premiero doživel 26. oktobra 2015!

Heineken je tako edini, ki bo imel v oglasu Daniela Craiga in bo dal na trg posebno edicijo steklenic Heinekena in Heineken Lighta, ki bodo “brendirane” z logotipom Spectre! Prav tako pa Heineken pripravlja akcijo – “the world’s first-ever selfie from space / Spyfie”.

For the “Spyfie” moment, Heineken has partnered with Urthecast to take ultra HD imagery using its camera on the Deimos satellite, currently in orbit more than 350 miles above the Earth’s surface.

Heineken | The Chase


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