Eric Schmidt je predsednik uprave podjetja Google. Podjetju Google se je pridružil leta 2001 in med letoma 2001 in 2011 je bil izvršni direktor, ter je skupaj z ustanoviteljema Sergeyjem Brinom in Larryjem Pageem vodil Googlovo tehnično in poslovno strategijo. Diplomiral je iz elektrotehnike na univerzi Princeton, magistrski in doktorski študij iz računalništva pa je končal na kalifornijski univerzi v Berkeleyju.
How Google Works je zanimiva prezentacija, ki predstavlja miselnost Googla in njegovih odločevalcev. Vsak “slajd” prezentacije ima svoj smisel in vsak “slajd” je vreden ogleda in razmisleka. V končni fazi prikaže povsem drugačen pogled na podjetje, kot smo ga navajeni – takšen, kot si ga vsi želimo, vendar le redki dejansko to tudi počnejo na takšen način. Ja, zato je Google tam kjer je. In vse to je zapisano tudi v knjigi – How Google Works:
In 2014, Schmidt co-authored the New York Times best-selling book How Google Works with Jonathan Rosenberg, former Senior Vice President of Products at Google and current advisor to Google CEO Larry Page, and Alan Eagle. The book is a collection of the business management lessons learned over the course of Schmidt and Rosenberg’s time leading Google. In his book, Eric Schmidt argues that successful companies in the technology-driven internet age, should attract smart and creative employees and then create an environment where they can thrive. He argues that the traditional business rules that make a company successful have changed. The book states that companies should maximize freedom and speed, and decision-making should not lie in the hands of the few. It also emphasizes that individuals and small teams can have a massive impact on innovation.(vir)