805 Million Names – Zlatan Ibrahimović 805 Million Names – Zlatan Ibrahimović

805 Million Names – Zlatan Ibrahimović

805 Million Names – Zlatan Ibrahimović. 14. februarja 2015 je bila odigrana nogometna tekma. Ni pomembno, kdo je igral (Paris Saint-German : Caen), ampak kaj je naredil Zlatan Ibrahimović na koncu tekme. Na svojem telesu je imel vtetoviranih (začasnih) 50 imen ljudi (Carmen, Mariko, Antoine, Lida, Rahma, Yaae), ki jih ni nikoli srečal. 50 imen od preko 805 milijonov ljudi, ki trpijo zaradi lakote v svetu. Ti ljudje ne pridejo na naslovnice časopisov, niti se z njimi nihče ne ukvarja.

Kampanja je bila organizirana pod vodstvom World Food Programme. V drugi minuti, ko je zadel gol, je slekel svojo majico in širni javnosti pokazal telo z imeni – za to potezo je dobil rumeni karton, ker je tako zapisano v nogometnih pravilih.

Sama ideja in izvedba te akcije sta odlični in Zlatan Ibrahimović je svojo vlogo opravil odlično! Upam, da ga bo še kdo od znanih športnikov posnemal in pomagal pri opozarjanju na probleme sveta v katerem živimo!

On 14 February 2015, Paris Saint-German played against Caen at Parc des Princes. For most players this game was just another day on the job. For Zlatan Ibrahimović this was his most important game to date. Underneath his sweater he had 50 new names tattooed. Names of people he’d never met, but still wanted to keep close. Names of some of the 805 million people suffering from hunger today.These people don’t often make the front page, yet hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to health worldwide — greater than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

This is a campaign from the World Food Programme, the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In emergencies, they get food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded. On average, WFP reaches more than 80 million people with food assistance in 75 countries each year. About 11,500 people work for the organisation, most of them in remote areas, serving the hungry.

Support The United Nations World Food Programme and Zlatan Ibrahimović’s fight against hunger at http://WFP.org/805millionnames

805 Million Names – Zlatan Ibrahimović

805 Million Names – Zlatan Ibrahimović