
18 post
had blog roni kordis

Misel dneva – Anonymous

Sex is like snow, you never know how many inches you’re going to get or how long it…
had blog roni kordis

Misel dneva – Carrie Snow

“Why get married and make one man miserable when I can stay single and make thousands miserable?” “You…

Ice Cream ali Snow Cream?

Moj najljubši sladoled Carte D’Or Greek Yogurt and Honey. Ker nisem uspel najti ledu za podlago, sem ga…
had blog roni kordis

Recesija in nakupovanje

Recesija je ena izmed najbolj uporabljenih besed v zadnjih parih mesecih. recesija – ekon. nazadovanje, upadanje gospodarske aktivnosti:…
Opel GT na sneg na Areh gre 11

Opel GT na sneg na Areh gre

Pogled skozi okno in na vreme na internetu me je odvrnil, da bi šel testirat GT-ja proti morju.…
Zimska idila - Let it snow 14

Zimska idila – Let it snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we’ve no place to…
had blog roni kordis

Misel dneva – Alfred Hitchcock

“Blondes make the best victims. They’re like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.” Alfred Hitchcock
had blog roni kordis

Nedeljska zbirka videoposnetkov

Incredible Quarter Bounce Skillz Rocket Scooter Goes Airborne Say no to dirt – CWS Commercial Dick Cheney vs.…