Amerika, zibelka demokracije, poskuša vpeljati nov zakon SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), ki bo omogočil “ukinitev dostopa” do spletnih mest s pomočjo “DNS takedowna” v primeru kršenja avtorskih pravic. Za lažjo predstavo en plastični primer:
Če objavite na spletnem mestu XYZ posnetek, ki je avtorsko delo, mora agencija RIAA – Recording Industry Association of America poslati zahtevek upravitelji tega spletnega mesta, da naj odstrani posnetek.
V primeru SOPA pa je stvar bolj preprosta, saj lahko RIAA “izklopi”, oz. zahteva možnost dostopa do spletnega mesta XYZ, ker je na njem avtorsko delo!
Oz. kako so si to predstavljali – SOPA section 102 and PIPA section 3:
- Order internet service providers to alter their DNS servers from resolving the domain names of websites in foreign countries that host illegal copies of videos, songs, and photos.
- Order search engines like Google to modify search results to exclude foreign websites that host illegally copied material.
- Order payment providers like PayPal to shut down the payment accounts of foreign websites that host illegally copied material.
- Order ad services like Google’s AdSense to refuse any ads or payment from foreign sites that host illegally copied content.
Ta zakon se ne dotika EU in Slovenije, vendar v vsakem primeru predstavlja zelo veliko grožnjo svobodi govora, kajti zadeva se da izkoristiti za veliko različnih primerov in predstavlja prvi korak pri cenzuriranju interneta! Samo za razmislek – si predstavljate koliko spletnih mest v Sloveniji bi bilo isti trenutek izklopljenih, ko bi bil pri nas sprejet tak zakon? Večina, mar ne!?
Velikani, kot so AOL, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Zynga, Facebook so ameriškemu kongresu poslali pismo, v katerega so zapisali:
“Since their enactment in 1998, the DMCA’s safe harbor provisions for online service providers have been a cornerstone of the U.S. Internet and technology industry’s growth and success. While we work together to find additional ways to target foreign ‘rogue sites,’ we should not jeopardize a foundational structure that has worked for content owners and Internet companies alike and provides certainty to innovators with new ideas for how people create, find, discuss and share information lawfully online.”
Posledično lahko danes najdete precej spletnih mest, kjer je podoba spremenjena in je vse skupaj zavito v črnino – primer je angleška verzija Wikipedie.
Povezani članki, ki razlagajo vse skupaj v podrobnosti in so vredni branja:
- What is SOPA and how does it work? The Stop Online Piracy Act explained
- Google protests SOPA on home page
- How SOPA would affect you: FAQ
- How PIPA and SOPA Violate White House Principles Supporting Free Speech and Innovation
WTF is SOPA ? aka The American Government trying to ruin the internet
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet