Na spletu se najde vse. Včasih je potrebno samo malce več časa in prideš do informacij, ki so veliko bolj verodostojne kot tiste, ki jih najdeš pri nekaterih ljudeh, ki jih izkoriščajo za ustrahovanje. Ja, primer Laith Al Saleh je eden izmed tistih, ki zadnje dni buri duhove in v ljudeh vzbuja strah.
Zgodba, ki se vrti na Facebooku, Twitterju in še marsikje drugje je preprosta. Nekako takole gre:
Dobro poglejte tega islamističnega džihadista, morilca iz Sirije, po imenu El Saleh, ki se kot lažni begunec v skupini z drugimi begunci pomika preko Grčije, Makedonije, Srbije…, proti zahodni Evropi. V Siriji je bil komandant nekaj 100 krvoločnim džihadistom, kateri pobijajo, posiljujejo, obglavljajo in križajo nedolžne žrtve. Vsak dan gledamo grozljive prizore, ki jih svet ne pomni v zadnjih 60 letih. Tega morilca so prepoznale varnostne službe v Srbiji po značilni brazgotini na levem licu. Koliko je še takih “beguncev”, “petokolonašev”, ki se kot teroristi tihotapijo med pravimi begunci proti Evropi? Pomehkužene vlade in državne varnostne službe v Evropi pa nič! Dokler ne bo spet fajn počilo z mnogo žrtvami!
@vladaRS Kako boste preprečili vstop ISIS miroljubnim beguncem kot je tale?Eden od mnogih?
— JozeZorc (@ZorcJoze) August 23, 2015
- Njegova zgodba je seveda povsem drugačna, kot pa ta, ki jo nekateri izkoriščajo za ustrahovanje naroda – Syrian rebel leader seeks Europe _ fleeing gov’t and jihadis / Associated Press By NICHOLAS PAPHITIS and DALTON BENNETT
Laith Al Saleh, a plasterer from Aleppo, stands out from the crowd waiting in the sweltering August heat, and it’s not just his battle-scarred face that sets him apart. He is accustomed to being in command — he led a 700-strong rebel unit in Syria’s civil war — and he is now keen to help others dealing with exile.
“Everyone wants to leave Syria,” he said. “My (home) is the most dangerous city in the world. About 70 percent of the city is destroyed … In Syria, Al Qaeda want me, Daesh (the Islamic State extremist group), the government — I fought them all. I don’t care. Some people are afraid. I’m not.”
Al Saleh joined the Free Syrian Army, the moderate, Western-backed forces opposing President Bashar Assad — but also fighting the Islamic State group and the Al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra Front.
- Druga stvar, ki se je zadnje čase pojavljala povsod pa je to, da begunci zavračajo pomoč, ker je na škatlah oznaka Rdečega križa, ki je podoben krščanskemu križu. No, tudi to ne drži, kar je potrdil Predrag Petrovic, ki je bil na krajo dogodka – Debunking: we spoke to the guy who shot the video purportedly showing migrants refusing Red Cross aid
The refugees – says Petrovic in his email – had spent three days in the no man’s land between Macedonia and Greece. At the time the video was shot it was raining and the refugees had spent almost two hours under the pouring rain. Macedonian police wouldn’t let them cross the border. Then the Red Cross arrived to distribute aids for the refugees in the form of food and water. The refugees were angry because they weren’t allowed to cross the border into Macedonia, so they refused aid shouting “No! No!”. Macedonian policed only allowed one group of 200/300 refugees to cross the border every two hours, as such is the capacity of the train that connects Gevgelija to the Serbian border on which they were boarded.
Al Saleh joined the Free Syrian Army, the moderate, Western-backed forces opposing President Bashar Assad
Seveda, zametki odredov smrti ki so v prvih dneh “demonstracij” pobile 1200 policistov in se sopirile z turskim/saudskim orozjem je “moderate”. Uvozeni morilci lastnega naroda.
Tega kriminalca je treba vklenit in predat sirijskim varnostnim sluzbam da mu sodijo za zlocine proti trzavi in kolaboracijo s tujimi obvescevalnimi sluzbami.
Če to so revolucionarji… Sirska oblast je slaba tuki… ne tisti ki se borijo za svobodo. ISIL pa je itak za sebe… Dejansko 3 strani se borijo v Siriji. Sirska uradna vojska, Potem revolucionarji ali tako imenovana Sirian Free army in potem še ISIL oz. Islamska država
No ja, glede Laitha al Saleha zaradi tega “odkritja” zadeve na žalost niso nič bolj jasne. Tip je bil član Free Syrian Army (FSA), ki se resda bori proti Asadovemu režimu, so pa obtoženi številnih vojnih zločinov in drugih grozodejstev. Tudi glede tega informacije obstajajo, le poiskati jih je treba.
Samo par primerov:
“On 20 March 2012, Human Rights Watch issues an open letter to the opposition (including the FSA), accusing them of carrying out kidnappings, torture and executions, and calling on them to halt these unlawful practices.”
“The FSA has been accused of summarily executing numerous prisoners who it claims are government soldiers or shabiha, and people who it claims are informers. A rebel commander in Damascus said that over the months his unit had executed perhaps 150 people that the ‘military council’ had found to be informers.”
“Witnesses have also reported rebels conducting ‘trial by grave’ in which an alleged government soldier was given a mock trial next to a pre-made grave and executed on the spot by members of the FSA Amr bin al-Aas brigade. One rebel said: “We took him right to his grave and, after hearing the witnesses’ statements, we shot him dead.”
Tega je še več. Mogoče Laith res ni džihadist, zagotovo pa ni nedolžen angelček.
strinjam se.. jaz sem zelel samo prikazati razliko med tistim, kar je bilo na fbju in tistim, kar dejansko drzi.. da niso nedolzni, povsem drzi.. vsaka drzavljanska vojna potegne za seboj kup stvari.. slovenija jo je med osamosvojitveno vojno dobro odnesla.. hrvaska, bosna precej manj.. in tudi marsikateri “osvoboditelj” je potem bezal iz drzave..
A v kateri vojni obstajajo nedolžni?