Zala in Gašper sta se s pesmijo Sebi uvrstila v finale Evrovizije. V teh dneh v Tel Avivu poteka 67. tekmovanje za pesem Evrovizije in v včerajšnjem prvem predizboru sta sodelovala tudi naša predstavnika in s svojim nastopom in pesmijo prepričala in se uvrstila v sobotno finale.
- Zala Kralj in Gašper Šantl / pesem Sebi / zmagovalca EMA 2019
- EMA 2019 / Zala Kralj in Gašper Šantl / Lea Sirk prizna Raiven – fak no, pa ne morem…
- Koala Voice / Ker tu je vse tako lepo, Ledena, Go Disco Go
Včeraj so se v finale uvrstili še predstavniki Grčije, Belorusije, Srbije, Cipra, Estonije, Češke, Avstralije, Islandije in San Marina. V četrtek bo potekal drugi predizbor, kjer bodo izbrali naslednjih deset predstavnikov, ki pa se jim bo v finalu pridružilo še pet velikih predstavnikov: Italija, Francija, Španija, Nemčija in Velika Britanija in Izrael, kot lanskoletni zmagovalec. V finalu se bo za zmago potegovalo 26 izvajalcev.
Za nastop Zale in Gašperja lahko zapišem enako, kot sem zapisal po EMI: Zala Kralj in Gašper Šantl sta med vsemi nastopajočimi najbolj izstopala. Brez pompa, brez efektov, mejkuparjev in ostalega, kar so imeli ostali. Zgolj njuna glasba. Brez dragih oblek. Tiho in mirno. Brez nasmehov in čudnih izjav. Brez promocije. Povsem nekaj drugega, kot smo bili do sedaj navajeni, da nas zastopa na Evroviziji.
So bili pa “zanimivi” odzivi na njun nastop na Twitterju. Spodaj jih je par, za občutek:
This is the first one I actually enjoyed #SVN
— Kate O'Dwyer (@KateODwyer7) May 14, 2019
#svn intimate, dreamy, sensual with fantastic visuals 😍
— Maarten Das (@maartend4) May 14, 2019
ok i love this one and the fact that it’s not in english! and they’re both really cuteee #SVN
— sab ⎊ (@selenaflows) May 14, 2019
#SVN, look away and it sounds OK. But look and you'll see your two cousins in the band you were forced to watch at school.
— Matthew Rawlinson-Bennett (@bluejovanka) May 14, 2019
We have to watch that creepy thing again?! #svn
— Graham Henderson-King (@gkse16) May 14, 2019
— stacey ➵ ♡ 🏴 (@6taceface) May 14, 2019
@bbceurovision can we talk about how rubbish #svn was. They boyfriend could have stayed at home and saved the airfare.
— tina mcratchet bottom (@fatlardtina22) May 14, 2019
Oh jeez Slovenia…this has got to be the worst staging of the competition. The staring into each other’s eyes, his weird smile, the hand holding, now the hip, NOW THE FACE. Bleughhh stop now please. #ESC19 #ESC2019 #SVN
— Europhoria Podcast (@EurophoriaCast) May 14, 2019
Oh, he doesn’t sing. Disappointing. I wanted to see his mouth open, #SVN
— Nick Perry (@realnickperry) May 14, 2019
Slovenia are the kind of Eurovision act that could qualify for the Grand Final, then go join a cult. #SVN #SBSEurovision
— Mark Kearney (@mnkearney) May 14, 2019
”Modern, soft song” said our commentators. Did not promise much. And I got just that, not much. Also her voice could be really cool on some other type of song but I didn’t like how it sounded on this one. #svn #esc19
— Siv (@Edelren) May 14, 2019
it's so boring, even the person responsible for the sound mixing just briefly dozed off #SVN #ESC2019
— Juliana (@aqueorna) May 14, 2019
#svn Slovenia this is … bizarre. I’m not sure what they are going for here but the girl looks bored and scared. Might help if she actually opened her mouth to sing. Also glad to meet low rent Slovakian Shawn Mendes
— Me.I am chris (@guylikeu) May 14, 2019
si se pa potrudi tanajslabše skup zbrat. Sej druzga od tebe ni za prčakvat. Pejt mal na youtube odzive pogledat
hm. mogoce ne gledas istih tvitov – prvi so pro, drugi so kontra. kje je problem?
in ne, nisem gledal youtube komentarjev, ker tam so vecinoma mlajsi, ki pac ne glasujejo..