Superbowl 2015 oglasi Superbowl 2015 oglasi

Superbowl 2015 oglasi

Včeraj ponoči je potekala 49.tekma Superbowla – New England Patriots 28 : 24 Seattle Seahawks. To včeraj ni bil samo praznik “ameriškega nogometa”, ampak je tudi oglaševalski praznik, saj v minutah med tekmo prikažejo najdražje in tudi najbolj kreativne oglase, ki jih ustvarijo agencije. 4,5 milijona dolarjev za 30 sekund oglasnega bloka je številka, ki je bila v igri letos.

Spodaj so oglasi, ki so bili prikazani letos. Kateri vam je bil najbolj všeč?

BMW: The internet

Lexus: Be Heard

Victoria’s Secret: Bag

Bud Light: PacMan

Budweiser: Lost Dog

Coca-Cola: Make it Happy

Mercedes-Benz: Fable

Squarespace: Jeff Bridges

Mophie: All-Powerless

McDonald’s: Pay with Love

Skittles: Marshawn Lynch

Avocados from Mexico: First Draft Ever

Carl’s Jr. Charlotte McKinney

T-Mobile: Data Vulture

Always: Like a Girl

Snickers: Brady’s Brunch

Ecuador and Galapagos Islands: All you need

Nissan: With Dad

Priceline: Negotiator

WeatherTech: You can’t do that

No More: Sexual Assault

Esurance: Lindsay Lohan

Nation Wide Insurance: Mindy Kaling

GoDaddy’s: Journey Home

KIA: Pierce Brosnan

T-Mobile: Kim Kardashian

Pizza Hut: Tony Romo

Lucy Pet Foundation: Lucy Bowl

Skittles: It will be settled

Toyota: How great I am

Carnival Corporation: My first time

Dove: Real Strength

Friskies: Dear Kitten

Superbowl 2015 oglasi
Superbowl 2015 oglasi