Kdo je Matt Brittin in kakšno nagrado mi pošilja? Danes zjutraj sem, kot verjetno še veliko ostalih, prejel elektronsko sporočilo, kjer mi Matt Brittin, Vice President of Google in the UK, pošilja sporočilo, da sem si kot uporabnik Google storitev prislužil bogato nagrado v vrednosti 950.000 funtov – We thereby formally inform you that you successfully passed the requirements, legal requirements and satisfactory report from all online test conducted and you have been awarded the sum of ₤950,000.00 GBP {Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling.
Zadeva je zanimiva na prvi pogled, saj bi marsikdo pomislil, da je vse skupaj resnično – v resnici gre za scam. Elektronski naslov pošiljatelja je [email protected], tekst v elektronskem sporočilu je sicer kratek, vendar vliva zaupanje:
Dear Google User.
Attached to this email is your official Google Sweepstakes notification for being an active user of Google Products.
Best Regards, Matt Brittin. CEO Google UK.
In sporočilu je priložen .pdf dokument, z vsebino:
Dear Google User!
We wish to congratulate you for being selected as a major customer of the Google Incorporation. A promotion has being put in place for all active users of the Google search engine and other Google products to encourage all users.
We ran an online E-mail beta test from Millions of Google users which your E-mail address came up as a winner. Google is now the biggest search engine worldwide and in an effort to ensure that it remains the most widely used search engine.
We thereby formally inform you that you successfully passed the requirements, legal requirements and satisfactory report from all online test conducted and you have been awarded the sum of ₤950,000.00 GBP {Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling. With your file reference number: GINC/7751863, believing that with your winning prize you will continue to be active on the Google search engine and other Google products.
A winning Cheque/international certified bank draft will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award Team, we write to officially notify you of this award and to advise you to contact the processing office immediately upon receipt of this message for more information concerning the verification, processing and eventual payment of the above prize to you.
To file for your claim, you are required to contact our Validating department for VALIDATION of your winnings within Twenty-nine working days of this winning notification. Winnings that are not validated within Twenty- nine working days of winning notification are termed void and invalid.
Martin Hillman
Google Incorporation
Telephone: +44-703-191-4542
Fax: +44-700-580-0397
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lotteries Board Commission.
MD Matt Brittin
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Verjetno bi marsikdo od veselja skočil v zrak, ker mu Google pošilja skoraj milijon funtov. No, tega Google ne počne in na spletu ni “zastonj kosila”, kar je verjetno vsakomur očitno. Poleg tega pa so se pošiljatelji “zafrknili” pri eni zelo pomembni stvari – v .pdf dokumentu so uporabili star logo – Google ima prenovljen logotip že od septembra 2013 in starega ne uporablja več. Malenkost, ampak zelo pomemba, ko dobiš sredi noči takšno elektronsko sporočilo.